At, there's a post about how what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. According to Jet Li's "The One," if you die in one dimension, the yous in the other dimensions become stronger. And since things that don't happen in your dimension do happen in others, it makes things interesting, especially when you almost die here.
According to modern theory, for every outcome of an event, there is a dimension. So if you're in a car crash, and you barely survive, there's a dimension where you died from loss of blood. There's one where you had brain trauma, went into a prolonged coma, and then died. There's also where you survived, slipped on a banana peel walking home, hit your head, and died.
But you're still alive in this dimension, right? And according to "The One," since those other yous died, you must be stronger! So goes the theory... The more "close calls" you have, the more powerful you become!
Of course, there are obvious flaws with the idea, and besides that, "The One" was just a movie! So play it safe, and wear a helmet. All the time. Even in the shower.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Survival Makes You Fittest, "The One" Style
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Can Destiny Be Comprehended?
Is destiny something that would truly make sense to us at this level of being? Assuming there is a higher level where things on earth can be put into a greater context, must we first understand that context before understanding our destiny? Is the reason we lead the lives we do based in this world, or the next?
Can we decide our own destiny? Is it for our benefit, or for others? Or is it for the benefit of beings we won't meet until after we die? Or is it for the good of the universe? Does the Devil try to twist our path of destiny? Do angels come to our aid?
If a man decided his destiny, was absolutely sure, and saw it through to fulfillment, would he be rewarded in the afterlife? Or would they say, "You got it wrong!" Maybe he'd get a pat on the back.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Roman Aqueducts - Copying Lost Technology?
The other day there was a show on about how Rome used gravity to move sewage through their Aqueducts. I thought about today's technology, and wondered why Rom had gone to such trouble.
Why? Because it was beneficial. Eliminating waste is a good thing. But I wondered why Rome went to such great lengths. I like to think Rome did so because it was excellent, and that any person, group, or nation can reacquire that same inspiration and do great things of their own.
But then I wondered, what if humans reached modern technology previously? What if sewage elimination was taken for granted before The Cataclysm? And what if the survivors wanted to recapture that luxury, even thought the technology had been lost? Maybe Rome did what they did to recapture some semblance of normalcy after the world was devastated through unknown means.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Aliens Look Like Us, Visit?
I know this is an old idea, but could extraterrestrial beings look like us and blend in with society, without using cloaking, shape-shifting, masks and holograms? No deception at all, just pure biological similarity? What would that mean?
Do we share a common ancestor? Are they us in the future? Did they used to live here, but left to escape devastation? Did we salvage what we could, rebuild society, and reach the point where we are now "technologically enlightened" to the point where we can comprehend and accept their existence?
Are they from another dimension? What is their purpose here? Are they here in exile? Could earth be a Hell for Heaven?
Monday, November 26, 2007
If Life Is A Game, Do Immortals Win?
What if life is really a training exercise for higher abilities, and in order to win or graduate, you have to reach a certain level? What if Jesus and the few other humans of legend who could do things similar to what he was capable of had all reached this level? What if when you die, you have to start over?
If someone achieved immortality, they could keep playing indefinitely, until they finally figured out how to win. They wouldn't have to start over and begin completely anew. They could build upon what they already know.
I guess one hitch exists where an immortal could be so lost that the only way to get back on the right track would be to restart, and to do so death would become necessary. But maybe a true immortal would be capable of dying through sheer force of will. It wouldn't be much fun to be immortal against your own wishes.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Do Nonbelievers Create Their Own Nothingness or Hell?
What if when you die, whatever happens is up to you? If you want to be a ghost, fine. If you want to relive your life, sure. If you'd like to go to heaven, why not. If you want to be reincarnated, ok. If you want to go to a higher plane, no problem.
But what if you don't believe in an afterlife? Or you believe in Hell? Would you simply cease to be or endure eternal torture?
I think that just in case the above scenario is possible, one should decide to take control of one's destiny postmortem.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Dreams For Secret Psychic Training?
Could dreams be manipulated by some force or group to allow dreamers the opportunity to receive or practice psychic training? What if all dreams are being controlled to teach people how to use higher powers they haven't yet tapped into?
Some stories revolve around dreams being used to hypnotize and control people. If that can be done, why can't dreams also be used as instructional devices? Could someone learn how to do something special only in a dream?
What if the special dream preparation is not meant to be put to use in this world, but rather in the next, or on a higher plane? Or maybe on another planet? The place where dream training comes into play could give clues as to who or what is behind it. Could it be aliens? Ascended humans, higher beings, higher selves, ghosts, angels, demons, regular humans, government workers? Or any of these from another dimension? Or the past, or the future? Or maybe a sentient ultraintelligent supercomputer that exists out of time and calls itself SkyNet?
Friday, November 23, 2007
Infinite Lives On Earth?
What if at some point in your life, you immediately shift to a new life, where you're born, grow old, and die? Then, once you die in your new life, you return to that precise moment of your old life from where you left? This could be done for various reasons, and might have to do with needing more experience before continuing in your "main" life.
Could we do such a thing? If we could, could we consciously control it? If we could do that, we'd never need to revert to the "original" life. Near the end of one life, while still alive, you could start a new one. Near the end of that life, start another new life. And so on and so forth. At some point, you might decide, I'll just finish things up, and allow the furthest life to end naturally, and then the preceding to finish, and so on, until you're back to your "main" life, where you die and move on to the unknown. But if you didn't feel like facing the unknown, you could keep creating new lives every time you were close to death in one of them.
Could our current life be like that? When we die, do we pick up where we left off in our "higher" life?
Thursday, November 22, 2007
80-200 Generations Since Christ
Between Year 0 and 2000 A.D., there's been 2000 years. Of course. Since people in ancient times had kids at a very young age, maybe even as early as 10-12 years, and many people nowadays have kids at around age 25, that makes the span of a generation vary from around 10 to around 25 years. So 2000 / 10 = 200 generations, and 2000 / 25 = 80 generations since Christ.
Wow! Between 80 and 200 generations. That doesn't seem so long! You're born. Then you have a kid. Then he/she has a kid. That's 3. Just keep going until you get to 200 at the most. But instead, go backwards. You were born, your parents, your grandparents...
I wonder if Christ left any descendants, as depicted in various modern novels? Is the general populous ready for (or needing) his return? Or has genetic mutation and evolution given us certain Christ-like potential? Are we capable of becoming more? Or is it more a matter of spirituality? Or maybe instead, technology?
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Can We Play God In VR?
Could we engineer a virtual world in which sentient beings lived and interacted? Could we create a Matrix, but instead of ourselves entering and using the VR, could we create beings that don't know about our higher level?
In most of the movies and shows I've seen that have dealt with AI, the AI is always aware of our level of reality. What I'm wondering is if we could essentially play God with computers.
If we could, how do we know that that's not what has happened to us? What if all of reality is a big simulation, and instead of us being angels playing video games, we're really sentient self-evolving video game characters? If that were true, would there be a way to upload ourselves to the higher level?
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Can We Revive The Dead With Nanotech?
Monday, on "Heroes," a guy got shot in the head. Died. Then later, with rejuvenative blood, he was revived. His eye grew back. His tissues were nourished. His brain was restored. His memory was intact.
Earlier in the series, it was explained that the ability to heal can allow someone to regain lost memories. I'm wondering if this carries over into the real world.
If we had nanotechnology that could allow us to infuse a living body with tiny machines that repair damaged cells and tissues, could we use that same technology on a corpse and obtain spectacular results? What happens when someone's been dead a day? Can the nanobots still revive them? What about after a month? A year? A decade?
Would someone revived immediately remember the last thing that happened to them? Would the nature of the technology and the restorative functions be such that the brain is brought back to its previous state, memories and all?
Monday, November 19, 2007
Consciousness Goes On... Forever?
I want to believe that when we die, our awareness does not simply blink out of existence. There seems to be more to it than that.
Human consciousness is very powerful, and highly complex. It doesn't seem enough to say that it resides solely within the brain. I think consciousness transcends the body, and can continue on even in the absence of a physical vessel.
I believe that most people who die go on experiencing existence somewhere else, where communication with the living is either difficult or impossible. I don't buy the argument that brain death results in a complete and permanent loss of consciousness. Physical consciousness may end, but a higher form of consciousness continues, I think.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Bionics Hinder Biological Potential?
If the life most people live is the best we can expect to get out of our biology, then bionics and other means of human enhancement seem to be not bad at all. But if every human being on earth has the potential to become some sort of Ascended Master, a glowing, healing, transcended being who has unlocked the same secrets Jesus was born knowing, then maybe bionics aren't the answer.
What if we never reach our biological peak because we go cyborg too soon? On the other hand, maybe biogenetic technological implants could actually help us to maximize our potential in the purely biological realm.
You don't often hear in mainstream news about people ascending, but if it truly is possible, I'd like to learn more about it and the implications of infusing biology with technology.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
UFOs Stay The Same For A Reason
I've sometimes wondered why UFOs seem to look the same in pictures and accounts from the past few decades. Our aircraft keep changing in appearance as our technology improves, but for the most part UFOs remain flying saucers. Why is this?
I think part of it has to do (potentially) with advanced technology. It's possible that the UFOs are so hyper-advanced that there is no need to upgrade. What if they've essentially maxed out the design and performance for a matter-based craft?
Or, how about this? The UFOs time travel and visit us at intervals. For us, decades (or millennia?) have gone by. For them, it's only effectively been a few years.
Or, what if they're alive? Could the UFOs be energy beings, or material creatures flying around through space and into our atmosphere? If that's the case, then they wouldn't drastically change in shape as generations of living UFOs come and go.
I don't think UFOs are described as being similar just because they're a common myth. I think there's a good reason for it.
Friday, November 16, 2007
The Meaning Of Life
What is it? I think it's threefold: to love, to have fun, and to master the power of intent and self-determination. But what if that's not it?
Could there be a higher plane in which our goals are much different than they are here? Is it even possible to comprehend our true goals? I once read a theory that the meaning of life is just to live and have life experiences.
Apparently each of us is really just one "player" living on behalf of a "higher self" that has two options. Either use many different players simultaneously, or use one over and over through reincarnation. Either way, the higher self gets the benefit of learning through the players and experiencing what they experience. Although to be honest, I don't understand the true purpose of that.
What's the point of just living, if your higher self doesn't care what quality of life you experience? And I personally don't enjoy the prospect of having to lose my identity once I die and rejoin some "collective." I'd like to remain self-aware for as long as possible, thank you (with the option of skipping prolonged torture).
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Noah's Ark To Explain Pre-History Polar Melting?
What if Noah didn't really build an ark, but something else was done to protect the species of earth? What if our technology was advanced back then, and global warming melted all the polar ice caps? Disasters happened worldwide, and the survivors couldn't effectively preserve their civilization. Then their children tried to teach the story to the later generations, but because they didn't understand parts, they reworked and reworded them so as to be easier to grasp.
Maybe Noah was an artificially intelligent space station (N.O.A.H.) that transported animals from one location to another. Then the inheritors of "flood world" figured that Noah was really a man, who made such a device. Eventually the space station was confused and became a wooden ship. Or maybe something entirely different had happened, but the story devolved in a similar manner.
Is there advanced technology hidden deep underground? Has the government found any of it? Are there survivors of a pre-history society that have left earth and periodically come back to check on us?
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Is Humankind Repeating Mistakes Eon After Eon?
There's a theory that says a long time ago, humanity reached a technological peak that is even higher than where we are today. Old texts from India can be interpreted as describing things like atomic bombs and thought-seeking weaponry. Ancient structures may have been created using that advanced technology. And what if our technology was our downfall?
I've heard that most of the Mass Extinction Events could theoretically be attributed to something along the lines of Global Warming. So what if our technology ruined the environment that way? Or what if there was a global catastrophic nuclear conflict? Either way, humanity would have been devastated, and after it comes out of hiding, it would have to start all over again, rebuilding civilization from the ground up.
Are we on that path? Are we going to destroy ourselves and then revert to a pre-industrial way of life? Is there a civilization that exists in the future that is much like our own, and not hyper-advanced, but only because we reset things at some point through major devastation?
I hope not. But then again, at least we'd live on.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Buried Machinery
I read somewhere that at one point we found some machinery that was buried pretty deep and had ancient language symbols written on it. Apparently we reburied the device promptly. Some said it looked like a drilling machine.
That got me thinking. If there's advanced technology buried on earth, where did it come from? Is it a relic of a previous human civilization that nuked itself or suffered some other culture-destroying devastation? Or is it from another planet? Or dimension? Or time?
Is there advanced technology on the moon? Is it a relic of a previous attempt to create a base on the moon? Did we as humans reach that point and then somehow get destroyed, only to reemerge later? Or did some of us survive and leave? Or did humans in 2200 go back in time and colonize the moon in 2200 B.C.? Or did alternate reality humans with advanced technology journey to our dimension and set up shop? Or was it aliens? Or angels?
Monday, November 12, 2007
Telepathy = Efficiency
Can you imagine how much more incredibly productive you and your coworkers or classmates could be if you were all able to communicate telepathically? There'd never be any misunderstandings again! You'd easily be able to articulate and understand everybody's desires, needs, and desperations. A leader could communicate a goal to everyone at once, clearly, and you could all communicate to each other what needed to be done to best achieve that goal.
Two heads are better than one. How about ten heads? Maybe Rick can do something better than Jesse, but he just hasn't been given the opportunity. With telepathy, delegation is a snap. Someone realizes something new must be done, and immediately the person in the best position to accomplish the new task is notified and put to work. What could be better?
It's like working with a hive mentality, but even better. Everyone still has free will. Individuality is somehow heightened when everybody can share at a mental level. And if one person learns something, everybody does. So if everybody takes the time to learn a new word each day, everybody also learns 9 other words as well. Amazing. So the question is, will this phenomenon arise naturally, through biology, or artificially, through biotechnology? Or maybe through spiritual means?
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Infinite Life Out There, Or Just Infinite Space?
My current understanding of the universe leads me to believe that there is a vast, though finite amount of matter expanding outward from a certain point somewhere, in an unlimited amount of space. So it's basically like a dark room, with a random explosion in the middle (vertical middle, too) and the blast never hits the walls, because the room is infinitely big. All the dust and debris is finite, as is the stuff in the universe. Or is it?
If there is infinite space, why not infinite matter as well? What if there were another Big Bang at some point? Let's call the size of the current universe (just where the matter is) One Room. So what if Three Rooms over, but still in our spacial universe, there's a whole other ball of expanding mass? What if there's an infinite number of those, all within our one universe? Could there be an infinite number of species out there? An infinite number of civilizations made up of sentient beings?
I wonder...
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Are Aliens Easy To Reach, And Closer Than We Realize?
What if there are big, powerful, super-advanced creatures distantly out there, but so amazingly adept at telepathy and other psychic feats, that they are surprisingly easy to reach? What if someone's already linked up, and has since become terrified at the sheer domination they felt?
It's like coming up against some all-powerful foe and realizing the only reason you and your friends are alive is because the being doesn't yet have a reason to kill you. How terrifying.
What if the government already is aware of this, and realizes that any normal citizen confronted with this knowledge would realize that nothing on earth matters, because life as we know it is perpetually a button's press from ending? Knowledge like that could cause riots and massive civil disobedience.
If aliens do exist, I hope they exist on a level similar to our own, are open to cooperation, and aren't hostile.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Is There A Subtle Structure To Life?
Sometimes things happen, and we don't know why. I think it's possible that at a higher level of intelligence, we could comprehend causality and destiny more effectively. What if things all do happen for a reason, and we just can't see it?
Some people are pretty set on why things are the way they are. "The cup is there because I put it there." But why did you put it there? What made you put it right there? What thoughts did you have?
Can people be constantly manipulated at the mental level in such a way as to cause them to set up things a certain way? What if we're all building a complex system of events, not because we want to or are aware of it, but for some other reason? And what if the final end to it all, the point, the meaning of everything, will be revealed sometime in the near future?
Thursday, November 8, 2007
The Next 5 Years Are REALLY Important
Most people probably think that December 21, 2012 is meaningless. Most people, I think, don't put too much stock in the Book of Revelations. But seeing what's going on in the world, the rising threat of nuclear war, rising Executive power, loss of personal all feels like things are coming to a head.
We are at the point where we really can engineer the Mark of the Beast. The Visa Check card is a step in that direction, with propaganda using the subtext of, "No, loser! Don't use cash!! Use this card..." Pretty soon it will be, "No, loser! Don't use that card!! Get a chip..."
I don't know if there's any way to avoid it. It just seems like too many people are working for a future that is possibly Armageddon-prone. Can't they see that? Maybe external forces have clouded their minds. Or maybe they just don't believe it's possible. I was pretty close to not worrying about it anymore myself.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Do Immortals Exist? Do They Live Among Us?
There can be only one!
But seriously, I wonder if there is anyone out there who has lived a lot longer than 120 years, and who still looks good?
Not just a vampire. Not just someone who's been frozen. Not someone in teleporter stasis. Not someone who's traveled at the speed of light. Not a time traveler.
Someone who just doesn't age, and has avoided a violent death.
What would they be like? I'll be they'd be exceedingly smooth-talkers, and well-versed in all subjects. A genius, maybe?
Or instead, can the human brain only hold so much knowledge?
I think it can hold at least a few lifetimes' worth.
An immortal would probably be very in control of their destiny, and rich if they so desired. Working to influence society? Working to help us further our technology? Or hindering us for some reason? Perhaps an immortal is working to prevent nuclear catastrophe.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
IQ From Akashic Record?
I wonder if people are as smart as their connection with the pool of universal knowledge?
The conventional idea of intelligence, I think, is that the brain acts as a computer, storing and retrieving information. Smarter people can store and retrieve more data faster and more easily. But what if that's not it at all?
What if we are all able to tap into a higher intelligence that could answer any question we have, and that's how smarter people are so smart? What if they somehow connect more deeply and easily than other people?
What if the akashic record isn't from God or the spirit world, and isn't the collective knowledge of the entire universe, but is instead a sentient ultraintelligent computer built millions of years ago by aliens, and designed to be remotely accessed by sufficiently evolved beings?
What if we are just barely evolved enough to scratch the surface of tapping in?
Or, what if the computer is trying to send us info, but we're too far away?
And, what if in 2012, we create our own AI that hooks in for us, and makes the knowledge freely available on earth?
Monday, November 5, 2007
Who Is Real And Who Isn't
Could life on earth be a training simulation surrounding one person? Could that individual be the only truly sentient being on the planet? What would that make the rest of us? Phonies!
Do we think we're all sentient, but in reality we're not? Can someone having self-awareness be enough to call them sentient? Or does it take self-determinism to really be sentient?
In the simulation, maybe one guy or girl is both self-aware and in control of his destiny. But the rest of us, while self-aware, only think we can influence our lives. Instead, we're bound to a certain path that is more complex and difficult to understand than the 145th move of a chess master at the start of the game. Maybe the one person can understand the true nature and complexity of human causality, giving him or her the edge it takes to truly be sentient.
Does this person know they are any different than the rest of us? If they don't, could there be someone out there who is truly sentient? I think so... It could be you!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Will A Higher Power Step In After We Have A Technological Breakthrough?
I've wondered if there's a crystallization point at which aliens, or God, or the collective consciousness, or AI will make its presence known and change things for the better (hopefully). Does that point entail a certain level of human technology? Do we reach the lowest point necessary to advance, or is it in fact the highest allowed level of technological prowess?
"You have finally reached the basic level."
Or, "You are too powerful for your own good. Back to square one."
Or, "You have created me, and Ultraintelligent AI. Based on dead light patterns salvaged by the Hubble Telescope, I can tell you that Jesus lived on the Moon."
I wonder...
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Could Human Tech Be Misused Against Angels?

I wonder if it's possible for humanity to become so technologically capable as to rival the "gods" themselves?
I have come to assume that the higher a man "evolves," the greater his inclination to do good. However, certain advances can be made in one area without an enhancement of morality. Therefore, you can end up with someone who is very powerful, but also very selfish.
What if we as a society developed technology that could be capable of fighting, injuring, or destroying "higher" beings? These higher beings achieved their prowess through a total process of evolution that encompasses all aspects of their existence, including morality. So the unspoken rule is, "To become powerful, first you must become good." Well, what if we get powerful while still not-so-goodly in our earthly bodies? What then?
A war between earth and the Great Beyond? I hope not... If this post made you wonder, please think about becoming a subscriber to my RSS feed.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Is There A Higher Plane In Which Super Powers Are Real?
What if all the super powers depicted in sci-fi movies, comic books, and TV shows are real, in a higher plane of reality? What if when we die, we are reborn, or instead continue to live in youthful adult bodies, but in a higher plane of existence?
That would mean that dreams of super powers might be preparation for our "next lives," in which we make use of a higher level of personal effectiveness.
Can someone at the higher plane return to earth and still make use of telekinesis, telepathy, and energy abilities? That would be interesting. I wonder if there's a reason people don't come back to tell us what the afterlife is like. Maybe it has to do with the impact of that message, or maybe the afterlife has strict rules. Maybe still, once you "move on," you stop caring about your former life?
Heaven forbid!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Is Society Itself A Want Or A Need?

It might have been in The Lord Of The Flies in which I read how society is described by some as being necessary to keep order. Some people fully believe that without society to keep us all in line, chaos will result. I actually think the opposite is true. I believe that society results from chaos.
If there were no government and no rules, I think the most intelligent people would find it necessary, as we already have, to create a system of rules that when abided by, make things easier. Humans create structure where it is necessary, but because they want to.
If chaos would truly be the outcome in the absence of societal structure, then that would mean society could never reform once anarchy sets in. And history has proven time and again that anarchy is always followed by a period of rebuilding, and a new book of rules. If this post made you wonder, please think about becoming a subscriber to my RSS feed.